About the Foundation

Vision Zorg van de Zaak Foundation

Serra Foundation aims to help vulnerable population groups in disadvantaged positions. We mainly focus on marginalised groups who need attention and support in the areas of healthy living, psychosocial well-being and access to culture in order to achieve that progress. Serra Foundation supports innovative projects in the medical, cultural and psychosocial domains that also positively impact social connectedness.
We do not handle applications targeting a single individual but do strive for progress for the individual through the above support.


Serra Foundation supports organisations at home and abroad. We do this together with local partners and through exemplary projects. Projects aim to generate local ownership and structural change so that they continue to exist, even when we are gone.
We make an active effort to get to know the people and organisations behind the projects. We do this based on a strong belief that people can take responsibility and ultimately want to contribute to society themselves.

Annual reports

Download annual report 2021

The board

A new board was appointed in February 2023, with Ariëlla Kornmehl as chair, Marius Touwen as board member and Dick Kievit as treasurer. Together they form a strong team and this new board will expand partnerships and start making a difference to thousands of people in the Netherlands and abroad.

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